Custom Field Improvements
Nathan Colley
Improve the way custom fields and custom field responses are handled in Billsby. This will include things such as:
- Being able to provide/ edit existing custom field responses
- Deleting existing custom field responses
- Limiting custom field inputs
- Add API calls to create/update custom fields
- Add API calls to create/update custom field responses for an existing subscription
- And more!
Nathan Colley
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Phone number - mandatory field at the check out.
Steve Madar
Make a contact phone number a mandatory field at the checkout.
Nathan Colley
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Add new custom field response to an existing subscription
Currently, if a new custom field is added to a product, a user cannot add a response to the new custom field for subscriptions to that product that were created before the custom field was added.
Change this to allow the user to add a response for the new field. This is useful for users who want to begin using custom fields to synchronise IDs between their internal systems.
Nathan Colley
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Remove custom fields
Add the ability to remove user created custom fields from the [Companyname]'s custom fields menu
Nathan Colley
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Limitations on custom fields
Gemma Beeharee
Ability to set limitations on custom field inputs for checkout. Limitations should be customizable, e.g. number only, car registraton plates, no spaces or special characters, 5 digits only, etc.
Nathan Colley
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Delete custom field dropdown options
Tai Lee
Once a custom field with the dropdown field type is created, the user is unable to delete or edit the dropdown options that they have already added. Add the ability to delete the dropdown options like you can when creating the custom field. This means that the user doesn't have to create the field all over again.
Nathan Colley